Wednesday, March 21, 2012

I am having an herbal protein and fruit diet.  I also started eating mostly superfoods such as  Beta Glucan and Hawthorn Berries.  I think it's wise when the price of regular bread is $2 a loaf.
Also herbs cleanse our body on every level.  I do human photosynthesis. 

Here is my blog:  There's some recipes there.
 Enjoy your tea.

To grow to be healthier, I need to stop some adolescent and absolutist thinking.  I've always been the type to be attached to my assumed condition, be it bothers or false beliefs and distortion--why I am taking classes..

Piaget theorizes that adolescents and adults used the same basic thought processes, one of formal operations that is characterized by the use of more abstract and logical thinking. Piaget sees the difference between adolescents and adults as one of quantity of information, not style of processing or using it (Piaget, 1977).
Non-hypothetical thinking can sometimes lead to poor decision making.

I don't really experience high levels of stress, but I do feel stress in others and I always wonder I caused it. 
When I was thirteen years old (Sept. 27, 1997), I was the victim in a tragic auto accident.  I was in a coma for 8 days, but released on my fourteenth birthday (Oct. 28, 1983).
My right frontal brain was damaged, and I had brain surgery.  The right side of the brain is what holds creativity and emotions. 
I read about a class at a graduate school called The Institute for Transpersonal Psychology that supposed brain damage usually leads to higher spiritual affinity, and I can testify to that.  I appreciate every religion and clan and am very happy to be alive.

To cope with the side effects of the different pace of thinking, I reached across the universe (I love that movie) to a person that has motivated me to be intentional and action oriented.  What I can do now is keep the faith and settle down.

An important part of cognitive development in young adults revolves around developing the ability to rationally consider alternate futures for themselves.

Adult Development and Life Assessment--PSY202--Ashford University, 2010.