In her work called "Some Moral Minima", Lenn Goodman suggests that certain actions such as murder, genocide, torture, slavery, rape, and terrorism (and there may well be more) are just plain wrong. To present the universally applicable measure of what is or is not acceptable, Goodman presents several challenges to relativism. In the following text, I will explore the validity of the argument by defining relativism, reviewing Goodman's explanations, and then giving a scientific understanding of destructive ability and creative capacity.
"The view of ethical relativism regards values as determined by one's own ethical standards, often those provided by one's own culture and background. Rather than insisting that there are moral absolutes, moral claims must be interpreted in terms of how they reflect a person's viewpoint; moral claims are then said to be "right in a given culture" or "wrong for a given society." (Mosser, 2010) Goodman looks at extreme behaviors and determines perhaps from the positive or negative source of the motive and effects of the motion and is able to see a moral absolute.
"Relativism may help us get some perspective on some issues, but it seems to fall short when we consider what some cultures and societies have done in the past—for example slavery—and how they were able to reject such practices." (Mosser, 2010) Goodman's revelations proclaimed that there very well are completely negative actions have no real excuses regardless of personal conditioning. The one thing I do not agree with is how she seems to make an excuse for the act of war saying, “warfare is not always wrong (Goodman, 2010)”. That is a hard pill to swallow, because if there is no excuse to attack another, there will be no conflict, and excuses come from an agenda. Reason is purposeful.
It is quite true that moral judgments are one's choice of how and why certain behaviors are or are not justifiable. That being said, I can say with certainty that there is a universal law of cause and effect, and there is absolute truth in the mechanics that govern that system. For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.
Being the cause is not a title awarded for simply putting effort towards any given a result. It depends on influence--sharing, that is revelation, or receiving, which is concealment. This is what measures the quality of an action. A self-serving motive is being the effect of one's environment, and it ignites a chain reaction that will be as the environment consuming you. But, becoming the Creator cause is a different sort of process. By being fulfilled in giving others pleasure, we can create a system of mutual guarantee that will be the ultimate correction of the environment.
Take this savvy, and relate it to the methodology of the following physical anomaly. There are two forces of energy--light and darkness, which correspond to revelation and concealment. On the practical level, what of sorts is it being revealed or concealed? It is the attribute of bestowal, which is known by the title Creator.
The act of receiving is the creation, and all creation receives everything from its Creator. The point where relativism can be applied is at the intention. We are, from the moment of our conception, receivers, and if that is all we choose to do, there will be stagnation. If, however, we choose to resist selfish receiving and instead receive for the sake of sharing, we become the Creator cause of our circumstances and radiate the objective meaning of our life.
As for Lenn Goodman's ideology--that certain behavior does only harm--it can be observed to a short circuit in a light bulb. "A light bulb has both a positive and negative pole. Separating the two is a filament, which creates resistance by stopping the free flow of electrical energy traveling between the positive and negative poles. It prevents a direct connection. Resistance is responsible for the illumination of a light bulb." (Berg, 2006). When there is no resistance, the light bulb has a quick, intense burst of energy followed by darkness. This analogy can be applied to the atrocity of anything that conceals the light, the Creator.
What is it that must be resisted to generate progress? The desire to receive for the self alone must be resisted. It is a choice. Voluntary resistance is also known as free will. Any value we will perceive in a happening, we ought to discern by the measure of similarity to the nature of the light, the Creator.
In conclusion, there are some absolute wrongs, and they can be recognized by the reality of the particular creation or destruction.. The nature of the light, the Creator is not perceived in itself but only according to the sensation it gives the vessel, the creation, to which it gives--revelation or concealment. If we are aware that we have fallen to a level of concealment, the darkness must vanish the moment the light, the Creator appears. People should share unconditionally and mutually, not for moral or ethical purposes, but for an enlightened self-interest. We will be able to have it all by resisting egocentric urges. That is the sum of the relevancy of Goodman’s challenge to moral relativism.
Berg, Yehuda; The Kabalah Book of Sex and Other Mysteries of the Universe; Kabbalah Center International; 1996
Goodman, Len;; Some Moral Minima; 2010
Mosser, Kurt; Ethics and Social Responsibility; Ashford University—Discovery Series; 2010
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