Hi Joshua,
Thank you for providing this website. It is not a scholarly site, but
does list information that has links to other sites. I checked out a
few related to the topic of deforestation (such as "paper") and found
the source links were also not scholarly sources.
For example, under the "paper" subheading, interesting points were
made so I wanted to see where this information was obtained. When I
clicked on the links, a few sources were listed as such:
[liii] “Hemp Through History” ecomall.com, “CROPS: Cotton, Hemp, Flax and Kenaf”, oldgrowthfree.com
[liv] “CROPS: Cotton, Hemp, Flax and Kenaf”, oldgrowthfree.com
First, "Hemp Through History" is not on the "ecomall.com" website,
which "ecomall" is actually a website to search and eco-friendly
products. So I performed a search for the title "Hemp Through History"
and it was actually a site based in Slovenia that cited historical
information about hemp-based products but did not list where they got
their information.
Second, after I did a search for "CROPS: Cotton, Hemp, Flas, and
Kenaf" since no website was listed, a website about alternative energy
listed this article title. However, there was no information about the
where they got their information they listed. Also, if you look at the
people who put this website together, it reads they are an "unorganized
group of alt energy aficionados. The content you find on this website,
is the collaboration of those few alt energy nuts, who have collated
and authored, what we think, is accurate (at the time of publishing)
information on developments in the field of alternative energy sources
in the North America, Europe and Australia...We are not a scientific
organization but a hobby group for people with a keen interest in
alternative energy solutions."
Third, the website "oldgrowthfree.com" listed does not mention anything about hemp.
You present an interesting point, but it is a challenge to understand
without scientific sources that have transparent and citable data and
facts. With that being said, I was not aware of the various uses of
hemp to the extent mentioned on the website you provided so I found it
enlightening but wished the sources they provided for the information
given can be traced.
Instructor Nguyen-Grozavu
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